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Grease Guns

Grease Guns - Abnox Wanner

This Swiss range of grease guns and other products are produced for quality and reliability. Abnox Wanner grease guns are designed to operate under more arduous conditions and having a long life means that these grease guns are more economical in the long term. Click here for Wanner grease guns or other grease guns

filling suction grease guns | filling cartidge loading grease guns | grease guns filler pump | using grease guns | blocked or damaged nipple on grease guns
<% Do Until rstData.EOF %>
Using Grease Guns
  1. Fit the tube and connector to the grease gun, depress ball in air release until grease appears from the gun
  2. Operate lever a few times until grease appears
  3. Push connector onto grease nipple so that jaws grip the grease nipple head
  4. Dispense grease from the gun
  5. Release by tilting gun until connector jaws open
  6. Drepress ball in air release until grease appears from the gun

Avoid a straight pull or you will damage the grease nipple.

filling suction grease guns | filling cartidge loading grease guns | grease guns filler pump | using grease guns | blocked or damaged nipple on grease guns